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Wave for Peace

The WaveThe Wave for Peace enters the Super Bowl Feb. 3rd, 2008

Who I am is the possibility of peace, love and inspiration.
Hi, my name is Linda Gancitano. I am on Team Florico and this is my Game.

1 year ago:
Who would have thought 3 months after the Landmark Forum that I would be committed to world peace in this lifetime? This possibility arrived in the mountains of Colorado. I was watching the Free Hugs Campaign on YouTube. The inspiration came from that experience and caused me to envision a world of peace. And what that looked like for me was that for one moment in time the entire world be present to peace.
I knew I had only 3 months for my Self Expression and Leadership Program project to get this idea into action. The vision came and I saw the event – The Wave for Peace enters the Super Bowl on Feb. 4th 2007 in Miami, Florida.
In every sporting event, the spectators perform the wave. Well, this particular WAVE would have a purpose and intention. This wave would be the Wave for Peace. Billions of people across the world would be watching this event. What better way to get the message across to the world?
The Wave for Peace didn’t happen last year at the Super Bowl.

We all know that life doesn’t always turn out the way we would like it to but what came from that intention was that three schools in Broward County had a Week of Peace. The Week of Peace brought awareness to our environment, our homes and communities. We had an incredible TEAM of teachers and students that created this event at each of the school. Over 2500 students on Jan. 31,2007 went out to their football fields and participated in the Wave. The Wave for Peace was seen from the air by a helicopter. Other media sources covered the event such as NBC, Telemundo TV, and the Miami Herald.

There was a peace rally 3 months later where one city had people at a stadium standing for peace. We may never know the impact of what that event caused for those students but what we do know is that the fights and suspensions were down for the week at our school The most important question we asked the students daily was “How can each one of us make a difference in our own lives to bring peace?”

Present day: Team Management and Leadership Program Weekend, Denver, CO, November 2007
One year ago this vision for world peace lingers. I joined TMLP in Denver, Co. where over 600 Landmark
Graduates were attending this event. I was informed that I have a Game in the World to put into action. I also was informed that I would create a TEAM of people to play this game. Our TEAM is looking for other people that are up to world peace.
What I hadn’t anticipated was that we are all being confronted with our own greatness, integrity and power. Communication is an access to power in creating the world we want to live. What I am getting from this experience is that peace is a way of being and we get to choose in every moment of our lives. Who are we going to be in the present moment and next moment no matter what? The GAME is still expanding and my request of TEAM Landmark is who can further this game so that on Super Bowl Sunday on Feb. 3rd, 2008 in Arizona every person in the world is present to world peace as a possibility now!

Future: Global Weekend Los Angeles, CA, February 2008
1.Video of the Wave for Peace is captured during the Super Bowl Feb. 3, 2008, and shown to all TMLP participants at the Global Weekend.
2. People from all over the world were contacting the NFL, TV network and Landmark to say how incredible the event was for them and how it transformed their lives
3.World Transformation is realized. Every country is supporting each other in creating the possibility of peace, health and happiness!!

One Event, One TEAM, One Message for One Moment

The Wave for Peace enters the Super Bowl Feb.3rd, 2008

The Vision
In every sporting event for years, people have been participating in the Wave which usually goes in the clockwise direction. The vision is to have the Wave go in a new direction. This new direction will represent Peace. The Wave for Peace would be the symbol of “What If?” What if we do something different and choose to live in a world of Peace? A wave for change is the wave for peace

How can you further the game?