Tag Archive for: nurtured heart approach


Bringing 'Nurtured Heart' to Detroit

This story is from the August 2007 Landmark Education TMLP Times, with the story written by course participant Mary Myers.

My possibility is being love and creativity, free to be fully alive and expressed, with the outcome of parents and educators united and excited in creating new ways of communicating powerfully with all children, energizing and supporting success and positive choices.

The main vehicle for change in my game is the Nurtured Heart Approach, developed by Howard Glasser of Tucson, Arizona. His books, “Transforming the Difficult Child” and “The Inner Wealth Initiative, the Nurtured Heart Approach for Educators” form the basis of the information portion of my game. Bringing people together and creating teams for support and expansion form the dynamic network necessary to take it into the world.

A child’s intensity is a gift that needs to be nurtured. Rather than suppressing it with drugs, or treating it as a problem, the Nurtured Heart Approach gives parents and professionals the perspectives and strategies to shift children into using their intense energy in beautiful ways.

I am committed to bringing this information to as many people as possible, in the service of building inner strength, self-esteem and cooperation in all children. They deserve to have transformed lives and the world needs their contributions!

My intention is to bring people from all walks of life together, from all over the Detroit Metropolitan area, in schools, churches, homes, counseling centers, family service organizations, etc. Beyond teaching the basics of the Nurtured Heart Approach, I see a need for ongoing support groups to be formed to keep the growth moving forward in action.

Our plans include utilizing local media to reach people, both as an educational and parenting tool and to bring people together. We have met with teachers, parents, school counselors and social workers, leaders of non-profit organizations, church members, neighbors, and others interested in making this happen. The organizations represent children from nursery school through high school.

Before I took on this game, I was being enthusiastic, committed, caring and alone. Who I am being now is related, powerful and a leader, as well as being enthusiastic, committed and caring. I am no longer alone! And the work is moving forward and outward exponentially. We are connecting with educators in Flint, Kalamazoo, New York and Ohio, among others.

People expect me to be knowledgeable, courageous, bold and unstoppable and I show up that way because this is who I am. This game will continue to grow as I intend to continue it in my next quarter. I intend to create leaders of additional groups, as well as supporting people to learn to deliver the program. It will become self-generating as time goes by.

We are building a world of young people who know their goodness, their power, their ability and their connection with all other life on Earth.

— Mary Myers, Landmark Education TMLP, Team 1, Quarter 2, Team Detroit