Tag Archive for: Education


Africa Redefined

Zindie Nyirenda – Team Heartland

Interviewed by Jennifer Douglass – Team Pacific Northwest – June 2013

Princess Zindaba Nyirenda known as Zindie by her friends, is originally from Zambia, Africa. She was educated in Africa and attended catholic convent boarding schools there; travelling 200 miles away from home to attain a formal high school education. She qualified and proceeded, being one of a few selected 100 girls and 900 boys from the whole country, to pursue undergraduate studies as freshmen entering the University of Zambia, the only university in her country at that time (1980).

When she first came to America in 1985, she was overwhelmed by the big gap and the disparity in educational standards between the African Society and the United States. Africa it seemed to her, was so far, far behind America, that it broke her heart. She lives in Palatine, Illinois; a northwest suburb of Chicago.  She was amazed at how many universities, community colleges, high schools, etc the city of Chicago alone has in comparison to her entire homeland.

She remembers clearly, when twenty years ago, her daughter Charlotte’s 1st grade class in Elk Grove Village, Illinois were the first students to be introduced to desktop computers. All suburban schools that I know about have computers in their classrooms. To this day, in my African village, school children have never seen a computer; they lack the basics of even a simple colored crayon!

Princess Zindaba realized that the African Societies may never catch up to American standards. However, she still saw that she could create a new beginning and do something to make a difference. She established the non-profit organization Light On the Hill for Africa (www.loth4africa.org) to do so.

Zindie did the Landmark Forum in 2005.  From that weekend led by Jerry Baden, she wrote her manuscript for “Ta Lakata…The Tears of Africa”. Her first book was soon published in 2009, after completing the Introduction Leadership Program led by Angie Mattingly and Cookie Breaudeaux.

She then returned to do her graduate studies at Roosevelt University, while doing the Self Expression Leadership Program led by Joe Pugiano. During that course, she developed the ” Sister- Schools Link Up Project”, which she designed further for her Master’s thesis. Her inquiry was how to eradicate illiteracy in Africa and end poverty through education. She created linking up schools in the United States with schools in Africa; utilizing the e-learning technology that can educate the world virtually – she thought was a thrilling possibility!

In June of 2012, she joined the Team, Management, and Leadership Program, and brought up the Sister Schools Link Up Project – “Operation Container Shipment” as her Game In The World. She wanted to attain skills, tools and techniques in creating teams and teamwork to support her non- profit organization connect schools between the continents and  send computers and school supplies to Zambia, Africa.

The possibility of the game she created is Compassion, Excellence and Contribution.  She wanted to attain the skills of masterful listening, recreating  teams and embracing a deep love of people. She was enrolled in the possibility of creating the transformation of Africa and life itself where “all” people got a chance of “Life before Death”;  living a life that they love and loving the life they lived.

The Intended  Outcome was to improve the quality of life through education, where everyone is empowered through education to rise out of poverty with Freedom, Choice and Joy!

CONCLUSION: The Distinction-“Causing multiple Outcomes from a Single Conversation”

The outcome of the game  has been met and beyond her wildest imagination: “To experience the distinction of Causing Multiple Outcomes from a Single Conversation has blown my mind away”, she says.

The University of Zambia is now linked to The William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. The students in Africa participating in the program are widows, the forgotten majority of 99% of high school graduates who never had a chance before to enter and study at the University of Zambia and never attained business skills, but with Harper College partnerships,  will do so NOW!

There is an Agreement of Joint-Instructional Systems for classroom curriculum planning and design. Distance learning online classrooms will run synchronously, asynchronously,  and in real-time utilizing blackboard, Skype and web-conferencing joint discussions and chat sessions starting this fall 2013.

What is so cool is that as an icebreaker, students, “all” get acquainted and read an authentic African write’rs perspective from Zindie’s book, “Ta  Lakata… The Tears Of Africa!”

Furthermore, desk-top computers, crates of textbooks and school supplies from 3 different school districts in Schaumburg and Arlington Heights, Illinois will be sent to the poorest and most neglected African Village Schools participating  in the program ie: Chief Mphamba Basic Elementary School, Mapiri Primary School and Lundazi Township Primary School in Lundazi and  Sishemo Educational Trust in Libala, Lusaka.  Children helping children, beyond the continental divides, acting local, going global in attaining a global mindset, making a difference globally! Team rocks!

Zindie has been the cause for multiple outcomes, by her actions and not only has she transformed the country of Zambia but she has transformed her own life,  as well!  Africa is no longer defined by poverty, Africa is now defined by the possibility Zindie has created by the actions taken from participating in the TMLP; creating teams and teamwork in any situation and causing her word to create her world.

Making Happiness Most Important

Anna Choi’s team game in the world in Landmark’s Team, Management and Leadership Program was to create a sustainable happiness economy, creating economic initiatives that create satisfaction rather than simply profit. Projects include building schools in Ethiopia that teach critical skills, and speaking at a 2012 TEDx conference. Watch below.

Transformation for Education

The following story is about Humberto Patiño’s project to introduce a new educational model to Mexico, created as his game in the world in Landmark Education’s Team, Management, and Leadership Program.

Humberto Patiño has always been a great athlete. In high school he competed in pentathlons. Pentathletes compete in shooting, swimming, fencing, equestrian, and cross-country running. They are considered to be among the most skilled athletes, and their training was often part of military service—each of the five events in the pentathlon was thought to be useful in war or battle. Humberto is inspired by sports and a love to make a difference in his country. Read more

Educación para Todos

Angie, (Landmark Education, Equipo Houston), es una madre dedicada y una dinámica miembro comprometida con su comunidad. Tiene dos hijas clasificadas como “dotadas y talentosas”, y está decidida a que tanto sus niñas, como otros niños dotados especialmente, reciban una educación estimulante, inspiradora y adecuada a sus necesidades.

Angie se puso en acción cuando le llamó por teléfono Andrea Badot, otra devota madre con un niño dotado en el distrito escolar local. Las dos mujeres vieron la imperiosa necesidad de diseñar planes de estudios que impulsen a estudiantes dotados a prosperar, a animarse y a sobresalir en las experiencias educativas que son apropiadas para sus necesidades y niveles de logro. Con la legislación del programa “Ningún Niño se Queda Atrás” que se puso en marcha en el periodo del presidente George W. Bush, muchos programas enfocados a atender las necesidades de niños especialmente dotados, fueron eliminados.

Angie vio que al eliminar estos programa escolares para niños dotados y talentosos se afectaron a muchos niños, incluidos sus propios hijos. Los niños dotados y talentosos se quedaron sin estímulos, ni retos cayendo en aburrimiento y sin oportunidad de desarrollar su mayor potencial. Los administradores de las escuelas opinaron que los estudiantes dotados ya están lo suficientemente preparados y son suficientemente inteligentes, por lo que no necesitan ayuda ni apoyo adicional.

Angie tomó medidas y revivió una organización comunitaria que ha defendido a estos niños desde hace más de seis años, pero que estaba inactiva. El “Programa ISD Humilde para Padres de Dotados y Talentosos (PFGT)”, es una organización sin fines de lucro abierta a todos los adultos interesados en la defensa de las necesidades únicas de los niños superdotados. Angie captó que tomar el compromiso por estos niños de “necesidades especiales” creaba para ella la oportunidad de estar en acción. “Si tienes una causa con la cual estas comprometida, el universo se alinea y milagros pasan” dijo Angie.

El juego de Angie como participante del programa Equipo, Administración y Liderazgo se llama “Educación para Todos”. El resultado de su juego es que todas las escuelas primarias en los Estados Unidos tengan planes de estudios imán que apoyen a niños talentosos y dotados. Para eso ella creó equipos de personas comprometidas con apoyarla a conseguir su visión en torno a su juego. Estos equipos incluyen muchos padres de familia, una Junta de directores académicos, un equipo de recaudación de fondos, un equipo de medios de comunicación, y un equipo de miembros registrados.

El 6 de abril de 2010, la organización creó una noche especial llamada “Campamento de Verano PFGT”. Los oradores hablaron de las necesidades especiales de los estudiantes dotados, y de cómo los padres podrían elegir un campamento de verano para estos niños. La reunión brindó una oportunidad para los padres interesados a unirse a PFGT, conocer a otros padres, y recoger las guías e información sobre temas de interés para los padres de estos niños con necesidades especiales.

PFGT ahora tiene más de 40 miembros, y la organización tiene como objetivo influir en los administradores escolares, los consejos escolares y los políticos para apoyar programas para niños superdotados. La organización tiene la intención de tener más de 100 miembros a finales del verano de 2010.

El objetivo inmediato de PFGT es diseñar un plan de estudios dinámicos para estudiantes dotados y talentosos en julio de 2010.

Para Angie, el poder crear equipos y líderes dentro de una comunidad ha cambiado su percepción anterior acerca de que nada se podía hacer para apoyar a niños dotados y talentosos. Ella inició una comunicación que creó que milagros sucedieran. Estar en acción y crear soluciones para las necesidades de la comunidad asegurará que todos los niños estén siendo valorados y retroalimentados.

Miembro del Equipo: Angela Mazzone
Equipo Houston
Juego: Creando Eqiupos para Apoyar Estudiantes Dotados a Alcanzar su Potencial
Escrito por: Robert Weiss y Editado por: Sharole Beckman y Traducido por: Lucía Grajales

Education for Everyone

Gifted children reach their full potential

Angela Mazzone, who is in Landmark Education’s Team, Management and Leadership Program in Houston, TX, is a devoted mother and dynamic, committed member of her community. Angie has two daughters that are classified as “Gifted and Talented”, and she is determined that both girls, as well as other gifted children, receive an education that is challenging, inspiring and appropriate to their needs.

Angie was moved to action when she received a phone call from Andrea Badot, another devoted mother with a gifted child in the local school district. Both women saw the great need for designing school curriculums that would propel gifted and talented students to thrive, be enlivened and excel at educational experiences that are appropriate to their needs and achievement levels. With the “No Child Left Behind” legislation put into place by President George W. Bush, many programs focusing on the needs of gifted children were eliminated. Angie saw how the elimination of Gifted and Talented school programs affected children like hers. Gifted Children were not stimulated, not challenged, bored and not living up to their greatest potential. The attitudes of school administrators were that gifted students are already smart enough and did not need any addition help. Read more



Bringing Sexy Back

Marghe Carbonaro – Team Philadelphia T1, Q3

Even though the Victorian era with its sexual repression is long past, many people still feel uncomfortable talking about sex. Yet, good communication is necessary for true intimacy.  One needs to feel at ease making requests and giving feedback to one’s partner. Marghe Carbonaro’s game, Bringing Sexy Back, empowers individuals and couples to be comfortable with their bodies and sexuality so that they are free to express themselves. With her team of trained women, they create home parties in the Philadelphia area. Though the party centers around selling innovative adult toys and products to enhance intimacy, sensuality, and romance—party guests leave with much more than expected, such as empowerment and new possibilities for upping their intimacy game.

The party process is all about teamwork, the “golden key” Marghe realized was missing before her participation in the Team, Management, and Leadership Program (TMLP). Now Marghe and her team use techniques she’s learned in TMLP to create teams and teamwork in any situation. For example, using social networking sites to invite guests (who in turn invite more guests) to upcoming events for her business, The Velvet Lily.

Here’s a typical party plan: The hostess of the party invites friends to create a group of four to twenty-five participants who can either be all women, co-eds, or couples.  The guests usually arrive nervous, but all it takes is for one person to share about a personal sexual experience to make the group feel at ease. By sharing their experience, they contribute to each other. When people are authentic and generous with their communication, people feel related. It gives everyone permission to let go of being embarrassed or ashamed.

“Being involved in the Team, Management, and Leadership Program enabled me to really listen to my clients so that I was able to hear what problems women were having in their sex lives. I discovered that during the home parties, I could make a difference by providing a safe space for them to talk about sexual experiences they otherwise would feel uncomfortable bringing up.”

Once the guests start talking about a taboo topic, it’s hard for Marghe to finish the entire presentation in a timely manner because the guests have so much to say. The result is that not only do women buy products that will enhance their love lives, they are left feeling understood and empowered

Marghe and her team are ready to go out and take on the world of intimacy through communication.

If you are interested in finding out more about The Velvet Lily, please visit: http://www.thevelvetlily.com/

Written by Djuna Wojton / edited by Wendy Zalles




Juan Cortes, Team LA, T2,Q3

Juan Cortes loves having kids win in life and in the process, discovering they are the leaders of the future. Juan designed his Game in the World, Contribution, inside of the Team Management and Leadership Program, so that the children of Los Angeles can enter art and writing contests at the community level and get the experience of winning.

The possibility of his game is being of service, powerful, loving and generous, the outcome is people experiencing love, abundance, and contribution with each other as one extraordinary family of the world.

Juan’s wife and team leader, Lisa Marie Valle supported her art students from her inner school East Los Angeles Skill Center and other schools in the Los Angeles area to enter art contests. In one instance, she had her students enter the an Asian-American Culture art contest and the great thing was that the majority of the students entering were of Hispanic descent and two of them, who painted Japanese-Americans in the interment camps during World War II in California, won first and second places. Those students discovered in the process that you don’t have to be Asian to win an Asian-American contest because they are the world. The winners were honored by meeting with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, tickets to Disneyland and a scholarship.

One student from Lisa’s school wrote a piece about his mother entitled 3:00 am. in which he acknowledged his mother, a single parent, for waking up so early to take care of his needs and make sure that he was prepared for his day. The miracle was that his mother saw her commitment to him acknowledged at the ceremony where he won a prize. All the students get to see that just entering a contest is being a winner and that life is always about playing.

What Juan learned from his Game how important a team is in the playing of a game, and he has discovered that he actually has the power to create something amazing in the world.

Written by Judi Romaine, Edited by Minling Chuang


TMLP Times Contributors:

Dave Baldwin

Jeff Bonar

Valri Castleman

Minling Chuang

Judi Romaine

Cecilia Rossiter

Steve Schapiro

Djuna Wojton

Wendy Zalles


Red Pants for the World

An army of young women out to alter the planet


Judi Romaine- Team Cincinnati, T1, Q4

“After surgery I was still in a lot of pain,” said Judi Romaine.

“I had bankrupted the identity I had. I used up everything that looked like possibility. I could decide to die.”

For a woman who has been active in Landmark Education for more than 30 years, this is a startling statement. Landmark Education produces courses to give people the tools to live powerful lives and lives that they love. It is all about possibility.

“Team was the last stand for transforming that [bankrupt identity],” said the Bloomington, Indiana author. So she joined Landmark’s Team Management and Leadership Program. (TMLP).

Among other things, TMLP equips participants with the skills to create teams and teamwork in any situation. Judi decided to use the skills to inspire “an army of young women living created lives out to transform the planet.”

Judi formed a team and they named themselves Red Pants for the World. According to Judi, “Red Pants became a metaphor for young girls and women who are out to make a difference and living lives where they are unconstrained.”

The idea came one night in September 2007, a year before she joined TMLP. Judi was sitting on her couch with a few friends and they were brainstorming ideas for a party. One of the lady’s jumps up and yells, “Let’s have everybody come to the party wearing red pants!”

The image of an army of women all wearing red pants at the same time hit Judi like a lightning bolt. She thought, “Yes, a cadre of women with the courage to wear red pants tells the world that they are bold, powerful and free.”

Where did Judi decide she could make the biggest difference? Half a world away. In the past few years there have been many stories in the news about Afghanistan. Judi was struck by all the images of women there who have not been allowed to express themselves.

The team’s goal is to raise $100,000 by 2012 for a school in Afghanistan. Red Pants for the World has formed a partnership with Nafissa, a woman who escaped from Afghanistan in the 1980s during the war with the Soviet Union.

Nafissa now lives in Paris and created Solidaire Provence Afghanistan, a non-profit whose objective is to help the most unprivileged Afghans and raise awareness on the Afghan culture in France. Red Pants has already raised $650 in online donations for the Solidaire Proveance to support the distribution of books in an Afghan village. (To protect the girls and women the name of the village cannot be disclosed.)

Red Pants hasn’t confined its work to just Afghanistan. The team provided a $500 microloan to a Cambodian woman who wanted to build a new house for her nieces and nephews after their parents died.

To raise money, Judi created an online store www.cafepress.com/redpants to sell and promote Red Pants for the World products like journals, note cards, bumper stickers, mugs and bags.

This August, Red Pants partnered with the Silk Road Institute – an Indiana-based non-profit led by an Iranian born professor. Silk Road Institute promotes self-expression and freedom through music.

Closer to home, Red Pants is working in Bloomington with abused women who have children. They are in the process of starting a writing group to enable the women to write their stories and share them with the world. Judi wants to “have these women lit up and seeing that they are fully expressed in the world and share it in a way that makes a difference for others.”

Red Pants is committed to publishing these stories on its blog, www.redpantslegacy.blogspot.com. As an author, Judi will assist the Red Pants girls in publishing their expressions in book form.

There’s another team in Elkhart, Indiana, a town that has the highest unemployment rate in the nation. In September 2009, Red Pants is starting an afterschool writing program for 6th grade girls in low-income neighborhoods. The objective is for these girls to build a Red Pants team that fulfills their individual visions.

Judi’s passion for giving women the ability to create bold, powerful lives stems from an incident 50 years ago, when she wasn’t much older than the 6th graders she is inspiring today. When she was 15 years old, Judi’s sister Gay was killed in a car accident. She was just 17. “Gay never got to fulfill on her life,” Judi said.

In that moment, Judi felt alone and decided she would live a life where she would be independent and not depend on anyone.

It was through her participation in TMLP, that Judi realized how her entire life was based on that incident. “I sentenced myself to the idea that I’m on my own.”

She created an isolated world designed to do things alone. As an author she works from home, by herself. And she has been successful living in the world she created, publishing three novels.

Since joining TMLP, Judi’s life has transformed. “Before TMLP, my notion of team was that everything funnels through the leader. Applying what I learned through TMLP, my neighbors have been coming to me. People are willing to be a team together to support each other.”

“Now, I have an expanded sense of knowing myself as someone who makes a difference in the world,” Judi said. “By myself I never would have tried to do any of this.”

She noted that the more she looks for examples of what she is standing for, the more it shows up. Recently, CNN ran a story about a 14 year-old girl in Pakistan starting a blog based upon her commitment to ending terror attacks in her country. She shares poetry, stories and news. “She’s being is a perfect expression of Red Pants showing up in the world,” said Judi.

Through Red Pants for the World, Judi has gone from a hospital bed, believing she had done all she could in life to a woman creating a legacy. She has given women globally the opportunity Gay never had – a world full of women expressing themselves, wearing red pants, and creating a life they love.

Written by Steve Schapiro & Don Murphy



Georgia Bruton-Team Sydney, AustraliaT1, Q 2

Imagine not having access to the tools that allow us to create and the tools that allow us to be self-expressed. The tools that let us explore our talents and live lives we love. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of homeless Australian kids who do not have this opportunity and are just struggling to survive.

This was our inspiration in creating ‘EXPRESS YOURSELF,’ an exhibition to raise money for ‘Youth Off The Streets’ (YOTS).

Youth Off The Streets is a community organization whose mission is to “help disconnected young people discover greatness within by engaging, supporting and providing opportunities to encourage & facilitate positive life choices.”

For More information go to http://www.youthoffthestreets.com.au

The mission of this project is to educate and inspire people to be fully self-expressed in all areas of life.The goal of the project was to generate funds to supply an art program to underprivileged children in Australia so they can also have the opportunity to express themselves.

The vision for the project is to create a world where “every child has the tools to be self expressed.”

‘EXPRESS YOURSELF’ was a successful, exciting, fully self-expressed event by our team in the form of an art auction featuring a range of fantastic art pieces created for the event by both homeless kids and famous local Australians. It was held at Bondi Beach and included break-dancing and musical performances by incredibly talented homeless kids along with well known DJ’s and singers. The head auctioneer from a leading real-estate agency brought an extra flair to the auction. The header logo on this article is one of the images created for the event.

Over 150 people attended the high-energy event. Express Yourself generated a lot of good PR and over AUS$12,500 was raised to start an art program at the local YOTS schools, now in the process of being launched. Many of the homeless kids involved in Express Yourself are now inspired to include some form of creative expression in their future career choices. This event is now ready to be rolled out in Melbourne, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand and is in the Sydney calendar as an annual event.

The vision of homeless kids, with the tools they need to be fully self-expressed, inspired, moved, and consistently motivated everyone on the Youth Off the Streets team to be in action creating an event that no one would forget.

This project was created and completed by Georgia Bruton as part of the Team Management Leadership Program. The project not only provided funding for YOTS and homeless kids. It allowed Georgia to get back in touch with her own artistic self-expression. This project allowed her to both work with what she loves and to make a difference in ways that mattered to her and others on her team. With this training in managing teams, Georgia now has the freedom and ease to expand her own work and foster more projects that contribute to her community and the world.


richmondLast year the Richmond Street School lost their art program, but artist and photographer Jon Barber was having none of that. With only $1,000 in funding for the arts remaining in the school’s budget, (less than $2 per student for a year of art supplies and classes) and with his 4th grade son no longer having regular classroom art lessons nor an art teacher, Jon saw a need.

Jon began writing letters sharing his feelings and opinions about the loss of the art program. Then, he had a realization; he could make a difference here with his Game in the World. And so The Richmond Street School Art Project was born.

Also known as Studio 109 after the room number where the art classes are held, The Richmond Street School Art Project is a volunteer-based art program for the students of Richmond Street School.

Jon is excited about what’s been happening with the kids at his son’s school. On a weekly basis with the assistance of parent volunteers, the students are experiencing and creating art in their classrooms. The school has in place a visiting artist program, where professional artists volunteer their time and talent to share art at the schools lunch break with students. The kindergarten class recently created an amazing pastel animal project. The 4th grade class recently created masks in accordance with learning about Day of the Dead.

There was an art fair on February 12th where all the students of Richmond Street School displayed their framed artwork in an exhibition. The kids got to be honored, loud and proud. The parents and his team got to contribute to their kids and to know they were making something unpredictable happen.

Jon also saw that by starting the project, other schools might discover they didn’t have to worry about not having enough money and manpower to provide art education to their kids. Jon recognized that the Richard Street School Art Program provided an opportunity for people not only on his local team, but in his community as well. Where before, something was missing in his town, by sharing The Richard Street School Art Project, Jon now sees it as a place where people come together and create something beautiful.
Jon Barber, Team Los Angeles