Archive for category: Environment

Good to Green – Healthy People, Happy Planet

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Good to Green is a holistic membership rewards shopping site which features environmentally and socially responsible companies. Consumers come to to learn more about companies that have made a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and creating healthier products. If a customer chooses to purchase something, they receive a cashback reward, which can be cashed out or donated to an environmental cause. The possibility of Good to Green is Healthy People, Happy Planet. The outcome is the reversal of Global Warming.

It is important for consumers to recycle, compost, ride our bikes, etc., but these actions alone are not enough to shift the climate scoreboard. Green shopping may sound like an unlikely catalyst, yet it is incredible vehicle to shift our current climate crisis. Why? Consider the current reality of manufactured goods today:

  • Most consumer goods use 10-100 times the raw materials associated with the end product.
  • For every 1 pound of consumer waste there is an average 65 pounds of waste generated upstream.Source: Joel Makower

Good to Green exists to reduce the wasteful misuse of the Earth’s raw materials and the toxic by-products associated with many manufacturing practices.

It all started when…

Good to Green was born when Founder Sonja Price became fed up with her own guilt-ridden shopping excursions. She was tired of not knowing where and how many of our household items were made. She did some research and identified that shopping is America’s #1 past-time (2nd is watching TV, which is filled with many advertisements about what to buy when you do go shopping).

She found that many companies are starting to make positive changes, but most are still hesitant to commit resources to sustainable initiatives, and many have expressed concern the market is not yet ready to invest in eco-friendly products. Good to Green conducted some preliminary market research and found that 52% of consumers indicate it is difficult to find values-based data that would impact their purchasing decisions.

So it’s a chicken vs. the egg scenario. Which one comes first? Both. Good to Green believes that as consumers have access to the data that will better inform their green shopping decisions, their purchasing power will signal companies to respond to the market need.

Good to Green has invested numerous resources to provide that valuable research on what companies are doing to create a greener planet. They apply an Appreciative-based approach by placing more emphasis on what is working. They promote and reward companies who are doing good (vs. pointing blame at the companies who just haven’t joined the conversation yet). Good to Green asserts that if consumers build the need, the majority of manufacturing companies will eventually join in this movement.

The Good to Green team is also involved in many political actions to help introduce a carbon tax which will impose standards and enforce the largest offenders to pay taxes on greenhouse gas emissions. While we are waiting for government policy to be officially introduced and to take effect, Good to Green aims to reward the market leaders by promoting a plethora of earth friendly products including green cleaning supplies, eco-friendly clothing, travel accommodations and many more.

The 5 Year Plan

Good to Green will eventually begin consulting with businesses to help create and implement Sustainable Strategies which will encompass Manufacturing Process Improvements, Employee & Customer Engagement, and Change Management tactics. The ultimate goal is to aid companies in revitalizing their product offerings that will create a healthy future for the world and all of it’s creatures.

The Power of TMLP

Sonja joined the Team, Management and Leadership Program in August 2012 to provide structure and a support system to get Good to Green off the ground. As Sonja shared “TMLP has kept me present to an empowering context and has helped keep this game on track to winning in the marketplace. There is no possible way I could have launched this company on my own. I used to be a lone wolf, but because of this program I am continuously enrolling more people to join this project. We are having so much fun and I am grateful to TMLP for helping me understand the benefits of shedding my ego and allowing other people to contribute to this very important movement!”

“Our customers are just as much a part of our team as staff members. Every customer is invited to participate in our Advisory Committee. We understand that if we are to transform ‘Climate Crisis’ into ‘Climate Clarity’ it is going to take each and every one of us to create the change we wish to see in the world.”

You may remember hearing about this game under a previous name. This TMLP Game in the World, previously known as ‘Green To Your Mother Earth,’ was featured at the November 2012 Orlando weekend.

A “Reasonable/Unreasonable” Request

Sonja requests “Every person reading this article to be conscious of where you invest your dollars. Take little steps everywhere and anywhere. It is possible to reverse global warming, but it will take a concentrated effort of each and every one of us working together to invest our dollars wisely in companies that are doing good in the world. Through education and action, we can all be part of the solution, rather than being blind to problem. Thank You!”

Interviewee: Sonja Price – Team Seattle
Interview by: Michelle Santucci – Team New England

Healing Puget Sound

Jeanette Dorner continues her efforts to restore the watershed around Puget Sound so that salmon can continue to breed there. Her project started three years ago with ten rain gardens built to filter storm water that was polluting salmon streams, and has grown to over 600 rain gardens, with 12,000 more planned over the next six years. Her efforts, which include a variety of means to restore the watershed has been featured in national media, including The New York Times.

Farm to Table Brings Fresh Soups to Market

Julie Kerrigan’s team game in the world that she created in Landmark Education’s Team, Management and Leadership Program was the Farm to Soup table event that she created as a part of Proctor Farmers Market in Tacoma, Washington. The event brought in three chefs from nearby restaurants, each of whom created unique soups using fresh, local produce and meats. The event took place on November 13th, with a keynote speech being given by Tacoma’s mayor.

Bowls of tasty soup were dished out for $3 apiece. The funds went towards other events being created at the market. The event also reinforced the value of buying food locally. To read more and get the soup recipes from the event, read the coverage from Tacoma Weekly.

New York Times Covers Efforts to Preserve Salmon Habitats in Nisqually River

Jeanette Dorner created ‘Joyful Tribe’ a few years ago as her game in the world in Landmark Education’s Team, Management and Leadership Program, as a means of generating donations to restore the Niqually watershed and revive its salmon populations. Dorner, who is the director of the salmon recovery program for the Nasqually Tribe Natural Resources Department, was recently quoted in The New York Times in an article covering efforts to restore the watershed. Read more

Team Games in the World – Chicago

The following video presents team games in the world – community projects – created by people taking part in Landmark Education’s Team, Management and Leadership Program, and were presented in a short video presented in June 2011 in Chicago. The projects covered include efforts to save the salmon in the Pacific Northwest, creating healthy habits to get American Healthy, a retreat to celebrate recovery from addiction, and more.

Life as a Being: Miche Ann Walsh and the Planet’s Health

Miche Ann Walsh was with her San Diego teammates at her completing weekend of Landmark Education Team, Management and Leadership Program (TMLP). It was April of 2010 and news about the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico was spreading throughout the world. It was the largest marine oil spill in history and an unprecedented ecological disaster, so Miche took a stand.

“I got, in that moment, that my life was to be used for a greater thing, I realized I had to do something about it, because it was bigger than me…I saw that I was really going to be a contribution and it was worth packing things up, leaving my home, calling everybody, creating teams, and bringing into play all of my commitments towards a healthy planet. I knew that no matter where people stand they could make a difference”. Read more

Solar on Haiti

The following story is about Shash Broxson’s Team Game in the World, created in Landmark Education’s Team, Management and Leadership Program, to send solar ovens and solar water pasteurizers to Haiti.

Shash is an Earth’s loving soul. She has always travelled, and not to just tourist destinations. “The idea of who we are as a world, expands when you travel and visit villages, and we owe it to ourselves to get to know those places”, says Shash.

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Agua Limpia Mundial

Después de completar un año en el Programa Equipo, Administración y Liderazgo (Landmark Education) en California en noviembre de 2008 y de haber declarado que su Juego en el Mundo es ‘Agua Limpia Mundial’, Donovan Bailey fue a la India para realizar su juego. Su misión es educar a la comunidad en las posibilidades y prácticas que proveen y mantienen agua limpia y segura para beber.

En la aldea Mundo en India a donde se fue a vivir, él sabía que la comunidad necesitaba desesperadamente un pozo. Inmediatamente él fue confrontado con la respuesta común: “Buena suerte; no puedes hacer eso aquí”.

“Puedes estirar la cola de un perro” le dijeron, “pero se volverá a enroscar nuevamente”. A pesar de sus conversaciones de enrolamiento, la comunidad respondía, cínicamente, que las cosas nunca cambiarán.

En virtud de que sus ideas de transformar la crisis global del agua se encontraron con el cinismo, él se percató que necesitaba tomar un enfoque diferente.

Actualmente, en el primer trimestre de su segundo año, Donovan ya no siente más la necesidad de mostrar a la gente cómo cambiar la crisis mundial del agua. Tanto él como su equipo de organizaciones internacionales e individuos están enfocados en que los niños sean quienes tomen la delantera en hacer esa diferencia. El equipo está trabajando en crear un currículo educativo para niños entre 4 y 7 años de edad, con la visión de crear ‘Agua Limpia Mundial’.

El diseño de este currículo completo está dirigido a crear una nueva audiencia, de niños abiertos a nuevas ideas y ansiosos de llevar esa información a casa con sus padres. Entonces los padres estarán informados y enrolados mientras ayudan a sus hijos con sus tareas. “Nosotros ahora creamos programas que enrolan a los padres en aquello que sus hijos están aprendiendo acerca de la crisis mundial del agua”, dice Donovan.

El impresionante equipo internacional de Donovan incluye: una firma de abogados de Inglaterra, Anna, una compositora/cantante de Nueva Zelanda, escritores de libros infantiles, Sign King – impresores que estarán imprimiendo los libros, un videógrafo de la India y Gaia, una caricaturista de Israel. Incluidos en la transformación de la educación están Schoolhouse Earth (Casa-escuela Tierra) una organización que estará escribiendo pequeños clips con historias para una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea que presenta las aventuras del Sr. H2O y más.

El Sr. H2O es un personaje de agua amigable que toma el centro del escenario en este currículo de educación a lo ancho del mundo y que será presentado a través de las artes en las escuelas.

El Sr. H2O dice: “Mi trabajo es traer conciencia sobre el agua y educación sobre su conservación, sanidad e higiene para nuestros niños en el mundo desarrollado y que se está desarrollando”. Cuando el Sr. H2O se va en sus aventuras nos dice a todos lo que encuentra acerca de la crisis global del agua. Él nos enseña como conservar el agua, y nos educa sobre sanidad e higiene. El Sr. H2O también enseña a los niños acerca del ciclo del agua en nuestro planeta. Los niños lo aman porque es gracioso, amigable y sabe todo lo que hay que saber sobre lo que es mantener nuestra agua limpia.

Donovan admitió que antes de entrar al currículo de comunicación de Landmark Education no tenía una pasión en su vida. Él nunca sintió que tenía un propósito. Ahora al haber fundado ‘Agua Limpia Mundial’, una organización no lucrativa con una posibilidad de contribución y servicio exponenciales, Donovan siente “un estar vivo” que dice estará dentro de él por el resto de su vida. Él siente que ha encontrado su propósito y le emociona de una manera que nunca se hubiera imaginado era posible.

¿El resultado de su juego? Cada persona en el planeta tiene acceso a agua limpia para beber.

Una idea detrás del currículo educativo para niños es incluir 60 libros para niños con animación, canciones, videos y más mostrando a los niños aspectos sobre el agua, cómo llega a nosotros, cómo se conserva y cómo se vuelve insegura, de una manera amigable y cautivadoramente vívida.

Seis de los libros para niños estarán escritos para agosto 20 del 2010.

‘Agua Limpia Mundial’ es una organización no lucrativa que trata sobre lo que la gente tiene para contribuir – dando en especie. Visita para mayor información. Las visiones para el futuro están en las manos de nuestros niños y ‘Agua Limpia Mundial’ está para contribuir a ayudar en la dirección de esa tarea.

Escrito en Inglés por Shash Broxson y Editado en Inglés por Sharole & Jim Beckman y Traducido al Español por MariMar Covarrubias y Editado en Español por Sandra Villacis

Sensible Beings Taking Care of the Planet

Agustin Carmona’s commitment to the environment has taken form in the “Sensible Beings Taking Care of the Planet” game. Using what he learned in his participation in the Landmark Education Team Management and Leadership Program, he created a team to spread the message to schools in Puebla and, eventually, all around Mexico. This mission that he has created has the potential to impact the entire planet.

“A new conscience about our responsibility towards our planet and our fellow human beings is needed”, says Carmona. “I used to think that it was only alarmism and media manipulation, but now I realize that we confuse success with having things, and we think that being great means having a lot, and this only leads us to constant frustration”. Read more

Seres Sensibles Cuidando del Planeta

“Se necesita una nueva conciencia acerca de la responsabilidad hacia nuestro planeta y nuestro prójimo” dice Agustín Carmona. “Yo pensaba que sólo era alarmismo y manipulación de los medios de comunicación, pero ahora me doy cuenta que confundimos éxito con tener cosas, y que creemos que ser grandiosos significa tener mucho, y esto sólo nos conduce a una frustración constante.

Agustín Carmona está comprometido con un planeta donde la presencia de los seres humanos sea responsable hacia su medio ambiente, sea socialmente justa y a su vez, espiritualmente satisfecha. El asumió ser completamente responsable por lo que la humanidad ha hecho con los recursos de nuestro planeta. Así, decidió compartir su nueva visión de la vida y la experiencia de ser responsable a través de la educación. Su visión causó que se comprometiera a comunicar de una manera poderosa las acciones que se necesitan tomar para fomentar un cambio efectivo en el comportamiento humano hacia el planeta.

Su compromiso ha tomado forma en el juego: “Seres Sensibles Cuidando el Planeta”. Usando lo que aprendió durante su participación en el Programa Equipo, Administración y Liderazgo (Landmark Education), ha creado un equipo para divulgar el mensaje en las escuelas de Puebla y, eventualmente, alrededor de todo México. Esta misión tiene el potencial de impactar al planeta entero.

Agustín ya tiene reunido un gran equipo y declaró: “Esto, definitivamente no puede hacerlo un individuo solo. Cuando piensas en tener un equipo, entonces tu sueño se puede lograr, y querer alcanzar a 600 personas en tan sólo tres meses se convierte en algo posible.

Aunque el equipo de Agustín consta únicamente de siete personas, ellos ya presentaron un simposium gratuito a audiencias en cinco ciudades. Asombrosamente, los que han asistido no sólo quieren hacer más, sino que 400 participantes han confirmado su interés en asistir a este taller.

Agustín y su equipo se han enfrentado al reto de compartir su misión global con sus hijos. Se sienten responsables por la manera en que las siguientes generaciones crecerán, ya que asumir la responsabilidad hacia el medio ambiente en este nuevo nivel implica cambios drásticos en la forma de vivir.

Sin embargo, el futuro parece brillante para sus hijos. Agustín y su equipo vislumbran a Puebla, su ciudad, así como a México, como un lugar donde los adultos y los niños se comportan de una manera intencional y consciente. En donde la indiferencia con respecto al medio ambiente es parte del pasado y la plenitud de la paz y la coexistencia en justicia social está presente para todos.

Agustín dice que, incluso, ha recibido un gran regalo: “Desde que me involucré en este proyecto, valoro las cosas, los recursos y todo los que poseo de una manera diferente. Estoy presente a ellas y a su verdadero valor, y se ha abierto una puerta para mí que me permite sentirme conectado, disfrutar más y estar apasionado acerca de mi vida y su propósito”.

Miembro del Equipo: Agustín Carmona / Equipo México
Juego: Seres Sensibles Cuidando del Planeta
Escrito por: Paola Bortoluz y Editado por: Shash Broxson y Traducido por: MariMar Covarrubias