Transformation for Education
The following story is about Humberto Patiño’s project to introduce a new educational model to Mexico, created as his game in the world in Landmark Education’s Team, Management, and Leadership Program.
Humberto Patiño has always been a great athlete. In high school he competed in pentathlons. Pentathletes compete in shooting, swimming, fencing, equestrian, and cross-country running. They are considered to be among the most skilled athletes, and their training was often part of military service—each of the five events in the pentathlon was thought to be useful in war or battle. Humberto is inspired by sports and a love to make a difference in his country.
When he was in high school, Mexican pentathletes participated in national life in military parades. Beyond that, when natural disasters occurred, they were even sent to rescue kids and families. Today, at 73, he keeps in shape practicing Tai Chi Chuan, what he calls a “less stronger” training.
The discipline of sports has contributed to Humberto’s life. He is committed to sharing that, making it a fundamental part of the education of Mexican children. In his vision for education, “Children can grow up and express themselves freely, without fear or upset. I see my country with transformed students, beyond being passive recipients of more and more information”. He is using the Team, Management and Leadership Program (TMLP) of Landmark Education to support his ”Game in the World” called “Transformation for Education”.
As part of his game, Humberto is supporting the organization of seminars that teach the possibility of a new educative model, based on the children’s free expression and the discipline of sports. His dream is to promote the union of these two things, to be available through the Mexican educational system.
Humberto is also building national political support, meeting with political candidates and education leaders. Conversations within his immediate community have expanded to meetings with national political personalities. Today, he has support for his project from an Association of more than 1,500 high achieving athletes. He has funded and scheduled seminars in 12 Mexican cities. Just as important as the results, Humberto now has rich human relationships with his clients and associates.
Humberto is a successful man, but all his past successes have been as a loner – working with a team was unknown territory for him before his participation in TMLP. “I’ve always supported people during my life, but my experience was that people always left me without even thanking me. I supported my employees to study, and when they graduated, they left. People came to my classes sick and tired. I saw them recovering their health, their youth – and then they left without saying a thank you”.
In the TMLP, Humberto realised what was missing. In the past he was organized around material reward – what would he get out of it? Today that is no longer his real commitment. “I saw that I could be as the Sun, the rain, the Moon and the stars, that just give life without getting anything in exchange. That is who I am and how I want to be always.”
TMLP has reached beyond his professional life and sports passion, He realised the impact that his drinking problem and his divorce had on his children. He looks back and sees hate, vengeance and resentment. “I cannot go back, they are now grownups with their lives, but I can apologize. I am now able to tell them at every chance that I want them to be completely happy. That conversation leaves me with peace in a way that I had never been able to experience when talking to them”. This freedom to communicate from the heart is what inspires Humberto to share with his country.
“The TMLP empowered me to see that a transformation for education in Mexico is possible, even though it seems like a huge project. Not only can I do that, but I can also have a loving relationship with my family at the same time”.
Written by Paola Bortoluz. Edited by Jeff Bonar.
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