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Global Clean Water

In November 2008, after completing a year of Landmark Education’s Team Management and Leadership Program in California and declaring his Game in the World of ‘Global Clean Water’, Donovan Bailey went to India to fulfill on his game.

His mission was to educate a community in the possibilities and practices that provide and sustain clean safe drinking water.

At the World village in India where he went to live, he knew that the community desperately needed a well. He was immediately confronted with a common response, “good luck, you can’t do that here”.

“You can straighten out a dog’s tail” he was told, “but it’ll curl right back up”. In spite of his enrolling conversations, the community responded cynically that things will never change”.

Since his ideas to transform the global water crisis were met with cynicism, he realized he needed to take a different approach.

Donovan no longer feels the need to show people how to change the global water crisis. He and his team of international organizations and individuals are focused on children taking the lead in making that difference. The team are working to create an educational curriculum for children ages 4 – 7, with the vision of creating ‘Global Clean Water’.

The design of this full curriculum is geared toward creating a new audience, of children, open to new ideas and eager to bring that information home to their parents. The parents will become informed and enrolled while helping their children with their homework.

“We now create programs that enroll the parents in what their children are learning about the global water crisis,” Donovan says.

Donovan’s impressive international team includes: a law firm from England, Anna, a singer/song writer from New Zealand, children’s book writers, Sign King – printers who will be printing the books, a Videographer from India, and Gaia, a cartoonist from Israel.

Included in the transformation of education is Schoolhouse Earth, an organization that will be writing short story clips for an on line learning platform which features the adventures of Mr.H2O, and more.

Mr. H2O is the friendly water character taking center stage in this world wide education curriculum being presented through the arts in schools.

Mr. H2O says: “My job is to bring water awareness, conservation, sanitation and hygiene education to our children in the developed and developing world.” When Mr. H2O goes on his adventures he tells everyone he encounters about the global water crisis. He teaches how to conserve water, about sanitation, and hygiene education. Mr. H2O also teaches children about the water cycle on our planet. Kids love him because he’s cute, friendly and knows everything there is to know about keeping our water clean”.

Donovan admits that before he entered the Landmark Education communication curriculum, he had no passion in his life. He never felt he had a purpose. Now having founded ‘Global Clean Water’, a non-profit organization with a possibility of exponential service and contribution, Donovan feels an aliveness he says he will allow to live within him for the rest of his life. He feels he has found his purpose and it excites him in a way he never realized was possible.

The outcome of his game? Every person on the planet has access to clean drinking water.

One idea behind this children’s education curriculum is to include 60 children’s books with animation, songs, videos and more, showing children about water; how it comes to us, how to conserve it, how it becomes unsafe, all in a friendly, lively engaging way.

Six of the children’s books will be written by August 20, 2010.

‘Global Clean Water’ is a non-profit organization which is about what people have to contribute – in-kind giving. Visit for more information. The vision for the future is in the hands of our children and Global Clean Water is up to aiding the direction of that task.

written by Shash Broxson, edited by Sharole & Jim Beckman.

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